BMEGG Outstanding Graduate Student Award for 2018
Zidong Li was recently announced as the recipient of the BMEGG Outstanding Gradate Student Award for 2018. This award recognizes a student for outstanding: success in the class room, achievements in research, mentoring, engagement in BMEGG activities, community outreach and any other noteworthy activities. Zidong is not only a productive researcher with multiple first author publications, he is also an inspiring leader in the international student community and a dynamic teacher. He demonstrates the rare ability to connect in a genuine and productive way with many audiences including peers and mentors in the laboratory, undergraduate students in the classroom, and fellow international students through committee work and presentations. As an advocate for the development of community among Chinese graduate students, Zidong took the lead in founding the UC Davis Chinese Graduate and Postdoctoral Scholar Association and serves as President. Due to his efforts on behalf of all international students and his inspiring speaking ability, Zidong has been selected to speak at this year’s International Graduation Celebration.
Assistant Director J.T. Ghim states “Zidong represents the best of our international students: those who are not only able to be succeed academically, but are able to connect and integrate the two worlds they occupy between their home country and the US. He is the ideal international student to represent UC Davis.”
Regarding Zidong’s efforts as a teaching assistant, Dr. Jen Choi writes, “He not only was knowledgeable, dependable, easy to work with, and pro-active in
each course, but he is someone who treats others with respect. I feel that this sincerely translated to his ability to connect with his students.”
Professor Erkin Seker of Electrical and Computer Engineering summarizes his nomination by writing, “Zidong is that ideal graduate student, who is not only passionate for learning and dedicated to address difficult research problems, but also driven to make a connection with people around him and lead them on their endeavors to make a difference.”
For these reasons we are proud to recognize Zidong Li as the BMEGG Outstanding Graduate Student Award for 2018.